Our Services

Tired of searching for a lost personal treasure on your property, or maybe you’re just curious about what’s in your soil? We’re here to help!

Lost Item Recovery

If you, a friend, or a loved one have lost a special item, we offer respectful and professional recovery services. We search extensively & carefully, and have had a high rate of success finding long-lost items for happy owners!

Relic Recovery

Have you ever wondered what historical items are just beneath the surface on your property? We are here to help you find out! We will visit the property at your convenience and help find as many historical items as we can, from buttons and buckles to coins and jewelry. And don’t worry- the lawn/yard will look the way it did before we came and you can keep any finds you desire!

Drop us a Line!

We’d love to learn about your property,
missing items, or special finds that you’d like cleaned/prepared for display, so please send us a message and we’ll be in touch shortly.


After we’ve found some cool items at your property, we also offer to properly clean any items and display them in the way you want! We have displays of our own or we can find a custom display that you find appropriate.